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We feel strongly that "community Impact" is created and developed by the practice of measuring, reflecting upon, and reacting to behavior, processes, results and consequences. Following the motto “You either make your future or it will be made for you,” we assist organizations to base effective planning and strategies on solid and useful information. We prioritize connecting research and evaluation to organizational learning, and building an organization's internal capacity by helping people become more capable and comfortable with their own evaluation work. Our research and evaluation services include:

 - Communications & coalition building

 - Culturally competent evaluation 

 - Document analysis

 - Interviews, focus groups, surveys

 - Evaluation design 

 - Learning circle facilitation

 - Literature review

 - Logic model creation

 - Organizational capacity assessment 

 - Policy analysis 

 - Presentations of findings 

 - Process & outcome measurement

 - Qualitative and quantitative analysis 

 - Report writing and briefings 

 - Training & technical assistance​



Past research and evaluation experience includes work with wide national and multi-state initiatives, as well as with small local operations. A few examples of this work include:

  • Foundation Learning Circles: facilitation and evaluation for the Council on Foundations and the Conference of Southwest Foundations

  • Caring for Colorado Foundation: Oral Health Improvement Initiative Evaluation​

  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & Kids in Need of Dentistry: Oral Health Care and Parent Education Programs Evaluation

  • Annie E. Casey Foundation: Denver Faith Networks Evaluation

  • CO Department of Public Health & Environment: Statewide Obesity Prevention System Scan

  • The Colorado Trust: Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Families Initiative Feasibility Study​

  • Region VIII Health Resources and Services Admin: Social Marketing to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies

  • Visiting Nurse Association: Principal Investigator of national project on efficacy of coordinated home-health delivery

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